Sunday 15 June 2014

World Cup: Don't despair, England! That was only the first game and, if we're lucky, there's every chance that Phil Neville will get fired before the next one.

Well, I had a good Fathers day.  Ignoring the fact that technically it started with England losing in Brazil.  Still, things could have been worse and we are still in the competition and technically are faring better than the World and European Champions who also lost the first game that they played in the tournament!

I was taken out to The Black Buoy in Wivenhoe where I was given beer and great food.  It was a good day, and now I have to prepare for teaching tomorrow.  The kids had made me cards for the morning, and chosen a t-shirt for me to wear and also had bought me presents!  Moments like these are moments to treasure and while the kids drive me mad at times, they are good children and I am grateful that I have them.

Anyway, time to watch the World Cup...