Sunday 12 January 2014

The Swiss must've been pretty confident in their chances of victory if they included a corkscrew in their army knife.

What a great day.  I got to spend it with the kids.  My wife had to go to London.  When I say that, she went to London with friends and I got to spend time with the kids.

My son went to play rugby, did not do as well as he had in the past, my daughter came along as well to watch.  And then home where we watched Enchanted on LoveFilm.  I fed them, food, which my wife had left for me, food that I would love to say thatI prepared, but I did not.  And then, after reading, they kids got to paint.  These are two of the pictures that they painted, the top one being one from my daughter (I forgot to remove a sheet of paper from the scanner when I put this in) and the second one being from my son.  And for dinner we then went to a local Chinese.  While on the way there and back, the kids tortured me by making me listen to a song which they love.  They got to see my wife who got back in time to see them go to bed.

Next time, I will have to remember to feed them sooner as it was a long day for them and that showed before they went to bed.  Good night all!