Wednesday 25 June 2014

I was thinking about how much money I've wasted on drugs over the years and it really got me thinking. Imagine all the drugs I could buy with that.

Well, drugs have been in the news again. There has been a call to legalise Cannabis, a drug which those who called for it to be legalised are aware that it ruins lives.  It is safer than drugs like cocaine, but it still ruins lives. But the issue that I, like others have, is that the war on drugs is not working. Drugs ruin the lives of those who use them, those who care for the users and also in many cases those who are in nations where drugs are grown. Mexico is affected by drug related gang violence and this is an issue that seems to be getting worse. Since I was a child, drugs have spread and the use of drugs has increased. Which is why I think that the time has come to legalise and regulate the sale of them. Make drugs legal and you take the profit motive out of selling them when it comes to drug dealers. Costs of drugs drop which means that crime and prostitution are no longer an issue in obtaining drugs. And you can educate people more just how much they screw up people.

Monday 23 June 2014

Creationism: Billions of Years of Natural selection and Evolution - impossible. However, 6 days plus an old magic man with a beard... Yeah that works.

Last week Creationism was in the news.

Now let me state, I think that there is a God and that God created the universe.  I do not however wish my children to be taught that evolution is wrong.  The thing is, while I do think that God created the universe, that is a belief.  While I think that God created the human race, again, that is my view.  All the evidence that exists, states that I am wrong and that evolution is right.

What I do not understand is the view of those who think that God created the universe to only teach one view on this and to justify this using 'scientific' arguments.

In the debate above Alice Roberts forgets, like many who are against the teaching of creationism in school, that there are many creation theories.  If creationism is to be taught as a valid alternative to the creation of the human race and the formation of the universe, then people need to be taught more than one creation theory, or if you would prefer to call it thus, a creation myth. 

So in summary, if someone states that only one form of a creation myth/theory is to be taught (other than evolution), ask them why other forms of teaching are not taught?

Sunday 15 June 2014

World Cup: Don't despair, England! That was only the first game and, if we're lucky, there's every chance that Phil Neville will get fired before the next one.

Well, I had a good Fathers day.  Ignoring the fact that technically it started with England losing in Brazil.  Still, things could have been worse and we are still in the competition and technically are faring better than the World and European Champions who also lost the first game that they played in the tournament!

I was taken out to The Black Buoy in Wivenhoe where I was given beer and great food.  It was a good day, and now I have to prepare for teaching tomorrow.  The kids had made me cards for the morning, and chosen a t-shirt for me to wear and also had bought me presents!  Moments like these are moments to treasure and while the kids drive me mad at times, they are good children and I am grateful that I have them.

Anyway, time to watch the World Cup...