Wednesday 18 December 2013

The Bank of England is to introduce plastic banknotes that can survive a spin in a washing machine by 2016. Surely that will just encourage money laundering ?

We are getting ready to watch the carol service that my daughter will take part in.  Last night, we watched my son in his nativity play.  He got to play Joseph and remembered all his lines, though there seemed to be one moment when he almost did not.  He loved being the centre of attention for the evening (though this was only for a few moments as all the kids in his year had one part or another to play) and coped with the 'pressure' quite well.

Anyway, have to go in a moment.  I hope you like the picture, I saw it when looking at pictures taken in the year on Yahoo! and it reminded me of the pictures that I had wanted to take on a dolphin spotting trip in Bali.  Due to the delay in taking photo's in the day's before digital camera's, we did not realise that I had only taken splashes until we developed the film.  And I had got carried away and had taken loads of shots!