Sunday 15 December 2013

After 16 pints of Coke, 9 bags of Minstrels and 5 large popcorns, The Hobbit was finally over.

Well, I loved the film, thought it was amazing.  And it was worth watching it on a big screen and in 3D.  Just in case you did not know, it had a dragon.  And watching a big dragon in a cinema in 3D is amazing.  As it does not follow the plot of the book exactly, I suspect that my wife will not fully approve when she or if she gets round to watching it.  But I loved it, just in case you missed it the first time!  The down side was that I did not get to watch Strictly Come Dancing, yet.

I have spent the morning with the kids so far, my son who would normally be getting ready to play rugby having a cough that is bad enough that means that he is going to have to miss it.  But he had a early present from Father Christmas which meant that he has a rugby ball that he has been throwing about.  So far, nothing broken, yet.

While they were playing on the laptop I was able to watch the highlights of the Arsenal game that I listened to yesterday.  We did make quite a few mistakes in the game which 5hitty made the most use of and while many papers are saying that this is a sign of how Arsenal can not win the title, they forget that Arsenal were going to be tired considering the lack of time they had to prepare for the game. Arsène Wenger stated that he does not envy the riches that 5hitty have, but considering that they have some of our ex-players it is a bit hard to really to fully trust him on that.  Besides which, in addition to an extra day's rest, they were able to almost play a different team midweek while we could not.  And there were a few close decisions that went against us as well.  So in summary I do not think it was possible to say that City were really playing against an Arsenal team that was playing as well as we can.  Journalists should really be smart enough to be aware of that!