Wednesday 13 November 2013

I looked up the meaning of rubbing salt into the wounds. It said 'Bringing on Nicklas Bendtner when you are losing.'

I am off this week.  And today, I got to help at the school of the kids.  My son had a day learning about toys, the basics of the history and how to make simple ones.  And the great thing was that I was there to help.  My wife and I were parent helpers, which meant that we got to help the year and I have to say, it was great.  Not only that, we did get to bump into our daughter. 

I was amazed at the noise that children could make.  And I have a lot more respect for teachers now.  It can be hard keeping our two in line let alone the way teachers have to keep a whole class in order!  I am sure that some would argue that teachers now have classroom assistants, both LSA's as well as parent helpers, but when I was a child, teachers did not have to do the range of assessments that they have to do now.  And the noise that they can make!

But otherwise, this week so far has been great when it comes to the time that I have been able to spend with them.  I love doing the school run, it is a great experience being with the kids, though I have to say, it is one which makes me quite tired!  How my wife does it is beyond me!

It has made up for my sorrow about the loss on the weekend.  I was sad on Sunday, but the kids made me feel better with hugs.  It may have been better if the team selection had not been affected by sickness and injury, but it was not, and despite injuries, we still have produced results.  This may be our year, of course, it is too early to say this, and normally, when we have done well, we have flagged later in the season

Anyway, good night.  Hope you like the jokes and the music video.

I've created a shoe made out of Lego, so when you step on Lego it doesn't hurt.
You just get taller.

As I stood swaying from side to side at the British Airways ticket desk last night, the guy looked at me and said, "Can I help?"

"Yes," I slurred, unzipping my superman costume and pulling my wallet out, "One ticket to Amsterdam please."

"You're unable to fly, sir." he replied, "You're far too drunk."

I said, "I know mate, that's why I'm getting a plane."