Sunday 1 September 2013

Stress Free Airport Parking

Stress Free Parking my big fat bottom!  We arrived in Luton and as instructed rang them once we had collected our luggage.  We were warned at that time that there would be a wait, and there was one. The reason for this was traffic, not something that we were told about.  Now, I understand that there will be times that things like this will happen in any job, but considering that they had our mobile telephone numbers, I guess there was always the option of ringing us to warn us about the wait, or sending us a text, or even looking at the arrivals information that is available to send the cars round anyway.

So yes, I am annoyed as despite paying for a service where we do not have to wait too long for our car to arrive we had to wait.  At least it was not raining.  The down side was that I did not get home quickly enough to watch the winning goal in todays game.  No big deal really, but we are all knackered from our journey.  I am almost looking forwards to my return to work on Tuesday to mention this to the manager at work...