Saturday 23 February 2013

I think, therefore I am... not a Daily Mail reader.

If you put 100 monkeys in a room with 100 typewriters and have them type aimlessly, they'll write a new edition of the Daily Mail. Everyday.
Had my benefits stopped today for turning down a job.
I'm sorry, but not even I'm prepared to be a journalist for the Daily Mail.

Well, I hate the Daily Mail.  As you might have guessed.  There are documented links between the Daily Mail and Hitler, the right wing rag being said to have supported him.  I do not know if the picture is true, but it is thought to show Lord Rothmere who owned the Daily Mail with Hitler.  And this paper, which has yet to apologise for the way it has backed the cause of racism continues to spout hatred.  On occasion, it has taken action against racism, this being on rare occasions.

But the reason that I am ranting today is the way it has decided to try to stir up people against the NHS.   A journalist has posted a queston on MumsNet trying to scrape the barrel looking for dirtAnd I am impressed with the way most people have defended the NHS.  But, it makes me angry.  And on that note, I will try to get some rest and relax...