Monday 4 February 2013

Police are probing huge numbers of fixed football matches, Harry Redknapp is unavailable for comment while he arranges his alibi.

Well, it was a good weekend.  As usual, I was working, but I got to spend time with the family in the morning, and I was able to spend time with them in the evening getting home in time to put the kids to bed.  And then my wife and I snuggled up on the sofa to watch Valentines Day on the Wii.  I think that the film lived up to the cast that acted in it and I have to say it is one that I would watch again and again.  I always love films that get me thinking, and also surprise me, and this was one that was sweet and one that while predictable most of the time, was not on other occasions.

On Sunday we went out to a meal with Adam and Victoria who entertained us.  It was a great meal, and there was plenty of wine and excellent company.  The kids got on most of the time, though I suspect that my daughter was a bit too bossy at times which caused a few problems.  This was of course after I had found out that Arsenal had won

Today my daughter had a playdate and my son got to help my wife cook.  It is always a good day when the guest tells her parents that she does not want to leave!  I would love to take credit for that, but alas, I was at work and only came home to hear the tales of what happened.

Anyway, I am knackered, so good night all.