Tuesday 8 May 2012

I hate jokes about animals They are so irrelephant

Evening all.  I have got this week off work and today we went to the Zoo.  Twice.  Once, when my daughter was at school, and because we have some passes to Colchester Zoo, we went again once we had picked her up.  They both loved it, not just because of a new play area, but also because they got to see loads of animals.   Almost all of which they have seen before, but then, the joy is in watching them as well.  And as they grow, they get different things out of the Zoo, especially as at the moment they love to watch Roar in the mornings.

I am knackered now, but in a good way.  And it was great to spend time with both of them.
If I had a pound for every time David Cameron said he was going to sort the countries problems out, I'd be rich enough to live under a Tory government

CALENDAR FACT: All the seasons are named after coils of metal.
Except Winter and Summer.
And Autumn. 

I came home from the pub four hours late last night.
"Where have you been?" screamed my wife.
I said, "I've been playing poker with some blokes."
"Playing poker with some blokes?" she repeated. "Well, you can pack your bags and go!"
"So can you" I said, "This isn't our house anymore."