Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter: The worlds first zombie story

Morning all. Quick post. The kids are loving Easter so far.  And of course are looking forwards to sampling chocolate eggs.  So far they are on a shelf, where they can see them, but they are too high to be brought down by them.  Muhahahaha!  Yesterday, I built the Tower of Doom for my son, and brought down the Fairy Tale Castle for my daughter, which was in her room, but now is opposite the Tower of Doom and covered with LEGO people.  They have been watching The Voice for a bit anyway.  At night time, I am now brushing their teeth while they watch a music video and they are starting to get into music.  But, not always the same choice as me.  My son for example, after watching Madagascar, has started to sing the song below...

Today, is a special Sunday.
A Sunday with a great history.
Where everyone should take the time to watch and listen.
I love super Sunday.

Hi, my name is John Prescott and the only egg I got for Easter was thrown at me.

Being in a mixed-faith household, our Easter eggs are hidden by the Easter Rabbi.