Sunday 6 November 2011

What does Frankie Cocozza have that the other X-Factor contestants don't? STDs

Evening all.
Well first of all, the X factor.  Being at work yesterday, I did not get to watch it so taped it and just listened to the songs which in my view is the best way to watch it.  I also taped Strictly Come Dancing which I liked, though which the kids got to watch last night.  The two kids have different favourites and both have taken to dancing.  It helps that my daughter is at an after school club where she dances.  Still has no rhythm though!  Mind you, when it comes to clapping, my son, who appears to have natural rhythm has one then either.  Fankie Cocozza still gets my wife annoyed, but that seems to be the case with other people as well. She has been dancing to Olly Murs last term, I am not sure what she is dancing to this term. Maybe she will let us know this week!

Hopefully, I have recovered from Man-flu, which I had bad on the weekend. I got better for the week, but then got something else. Did not stop me going to work, but I was not up to my ususal standard when it came to getting through the amount of work I faced. Fortunately, it was not too hard when it came to the amount of work that I had to deal with, and most importantly, I have a great wife who takes care of me. The kids would be a bit under the weather for a day, and then get better, and then run rings round my wife and I. For while I have moaned about myself being not too well, I have forgotten that my wife has not been well either.

Anyway,it was nice that Arsenal kept two clean sheets on the trot.  I hope that will continue, but I doubt it.  While West Brom were not much of a threat, Marseille was.