Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween - the only time ugly people feel normal

I've gone as David Cameron this Halloween and I'm really getting into the spirit of it.

Sitting on my arse, doing bugger all, and explaining to the kids at the door that due to the shortage of sweets at the moment I'll have to take some of theirs..

Anyway, the kids and Halloween.   Negotiation was needed to encourage the kids to eat, i.e. eat or you do not go out.  Both kids, ate, finally.  And then they went out, my daughter dressed as Spiderella and my son as a Wizard (though he was king of the vampires at Nursery earlier in the day).  They loved it.  Sweets, dressing up, more sweets, glow sticks, more sweets, glow sticks, more sweets, E numbers, more sweets, and did I mention, more sweets?
Me, I did not get to share this.  I came back to put them to bed.  Tired, they were crying more than usual.
Hopefully they will not wake us up tonight!