Wednesday 5 October 2011

George Osborne is a 5ex god. He single-handedly is f**king the entire of the UK.

Quick post before I go to bed.  Once again, I got to take my daughter to school.  My son was not well, having to have to go to to see the doctor about an eye infection.  We got to see a medical student at first, which was interesting for me as in my last job, I used to teach students.  Anyway, long story short, he loved the attention, and is now on antibiotics. 

Taking my daughter to school was lovely.  It was raining a bit and she had a chance to be driven there, but wanted to walk in with me.  The only thing is the heart ache I feel when she runs with glee to the teacher and the queue.  Normally on a Wednesday she has a dancing class, but she was not able to have one today so got to ride back on her scooter.  She loved it. 

Anyway have to tidy and get ready for bed.  Goodnight.