Sunday 24 July 2011

Amy Winehouse - The only person who had a surname to describe her liver

Afternoon all.  Right, first of all FridayAs I mentioned before, it was my daughters last day at school.  My wife thanked her teacher for teaching her, and she said that it was a pleasure to teach my daughter and that also that my daughter loves to learn.  I do not know of any parent who does not like to hear nice things about their kids.
I did not get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked, both on Friday, or on Saturday.  My mother did come up though on Friday to baby sit so that we could go out for a meal with a couple that we know through school.  It was a great meal, and a bit of alcohol was drunk.  Of course, this was not helpful for me, as I had to go to work yesterday morning.  It was a long day with a three hour break, starting at ten, ending at midnight.  I did get to see them in the morning, and I had the energy to appreciate them.  And of course, I have played with them today.  I have managed to get some time away while they are watching My Favourite Martian upstairs.  Anyway, time to go upstairs to watch it with them.

Take care all
The comments below with the commentary are a list of things that Sara Cox says that you should not say to children.

Ok, so this one I've definitely said, to be precise though I say the Northern version, handed down through generations of proud Boltonian women: "Stop mithering!"
See also "Get out from under my feet!" which is most effective when thundered lovingly from atop a juddering ample bosom clad in a housecoat.
This one is a no-brainer for me; when pans are bubbling over and there's a child pulling at your arms, I see it as a warm shooing away for their own safety. Ok, next:
Hmm, this is an interesting one 'cos there's so many words you can tag onto this: selfish/lazy/stupid are ones I'd never ever use. Daft/dramatic/soppy maybe, but said in a chiding way, though probably not ideal. Must try harder Saz. Labeling your child by telling them they are something is probably best avoided, unless its "You're so gorgeous/sweet/brilliant"
Yep, said it. This isn't really a bad one. It's more about validating their feelings. Saying "you must be sad Jamie cant play out today" is preferable though does take a while.
4) "Why can't you be more like your sister?"
This one only works if your child has a sister, otherwise they'll think you're insane. I don't do this one, but must confess to saying pointedly, "Oh, good girl Lola, eating your dinner so nicely" as Isaac rubs mashed potato in his hair.
Oh no. Wish I'd never started this! Yup, I've definitely said a version of that to Lola. When she's wrestling with a 6-pint carton of milk and spills it (though not worth crying over) I have been known to say "You kinda knew that'd happen, ask me for help next time". I suppose next time I ought to miss off the first half of the statement. Or buy smaller cartons of milk.
Ok, this one I never say. For two reasons: my mum used to say it a lot and I remember hating the menacing undercurrent of a promised smack and also, I'm a firm believer in following through threats and seeing as I don't hit my kids, this threat would be pointless.
I must however say I do now with hindsight understand why my mum would say it, as there are few things more annoying than a child theatrically bursting into tears at the drop of a hat/flapjack/crayon. It's manipulative and noisy.
Well, I may as well get this one tattooed somewhere on my midriff to save time in a morning, so when I'm halfway out the door on a rainy Monday AM with a baby/blazer/book bag/games kit in my arms and my darling daughter not only hasn't put her shoes on (as I've asked her to six times) but is instead perched on the stairs plaiting her dolls hair I can simply flash my tummy tattoo instead of growling "hurry up" through a mouthful of half-munched apple.
Never said it. That's no threat. I'm the boss and they know it. In fact, they're probably excited about his arrival home to save them from me.
Hmm, apparently its better to be more specific, like "I can see how beautifully you've coloured in the butterfly wings on that picture" which obviously takes longer. I'm taking that one on board and will do my best, unless of course the butterfly is being illustrated when she should be getting her school shoes on (see above)
So that's the naughty nine. Whatever your score there's probably room for improvement but let's not beat ourselves up too much. I'm sure most of us had some of the 9 said to us as children and we're ok. Now stop mithering me, I'm off to bed.