Sunday 12 June 2011

Iran is set to release hiker Sara Shourd, jailed for 13 months, for illegaly entering Iran. In related news, she is also suing the hell out of Google Maps.

I have had a great weekend with the family.

Yesterday I was working, and today, after getting back late last night, my son woke my up.  The kids are great, they normally sleep until seven in the morning  So at seven in the morning me called out.  I let my wife get some rest, and took the kids down.  Unfortunately, I have a tendency to excite the kids, and after a bit of screaming, my wife came down.  But, afterwards, the kids and I helped to make am omlette.  They helped me break and beat the eggs, and then ate, loving the food that they had helped to make.  And my wife made a cake for the street party.  A family down the road take time to organise a street party every year, and they do a great job.  We missed last year as I was working, and by the time I got back, the kids were having a nap with my wife.  We were able to go two years ago, and three years ago we moved into the street too late to attend the party.  I could say the kids loved it, but I did too.  There were drinks available of course, but it was a great opportunity to talk to neighbours from further down the road than you normally meet.  There were games for the kids, and games for adults to take part in.  The two kids really loved it, as did the children from down the road who attended.  And although it did rain a bit, it was still a great day.

Anyway, time to go.  Hope you like the jokes...

Me and my time travelling buddies go back years together.

On the sofa with my wife last night:

Me: Honey, you remind me of an onion.

Wife: Because I have so many layers to my personality?

Me: No...

Wife: Oh, OK, something stupid like you'll cry when you slice me up?

Me: No...

Wife: OK, OK, you'd prefer it if I was battered?

Me: No...

Wife: You either love me or hate me? I'm good in small doses? I can be overpowering?...

Me: No...

Wife: Oh, alright, why then?

Me: You smell of onion.