Tuesday 7 June 2011

Ryan Giggs today admitted to suffering from homesickness, saying that, even though he's happy in Manchester, he does Miss Wales occasionally.

Quick post.  On Sunday, we took the kids in the morning to Castle Park.  They loved it.  There is a new playground at the bottom of the area where the original one still stands.  Arriving there early in the morning (thanks to Sally) there were hardly any people there.  My son and I spent some time together once I had been helping my daughter on some of the things there.  He even ran to the old playground where he got to go on the really high slide.

Later in the day, we got the bikes that my father-in-law had bought for the kids.  And they loved it.  Both are really keen to bike and were willing to spend ages riding up and down the road.  Of course, at the moment they need stabilisers.  But they do not care!

And last of all, as I mentioned, on Saturday, the kids had gone out Strawberry picking.  Well, after my son had issues finding red strawberries, my daughter said "Even Daddy would be able to find the red ones!"