Saturday 30 July 2011

Steven Gerrard is set to miss the start of the season with a groin problem, leaving Kenny Dalglish with just 17 midfielders to choose from.

Of course this not a post about football.

Rather this is an update on the family.  I have been on holiday this week, though not much of one.  Last year on this day, I left my last job and instead I started to work in my new job.  It has required a pay cut, and due to that, I have had to work most weekends.  My new job involves me working harder than I did in my last job.  Due to working on the weekends, I do not get to see my family as much as I did before.

But I am so happy!

It is not just that I love where I work, it is not just that I can pop home on some Tuesday's to have lunch with my family, but it is the attitude of people where I work.  It is much more of a team, the people at the top leading from the front.  And they support each other.  

But back to me and the family.  I have had to do some moonlighting in the two weeks I have off.  And after having to work last week, we spent time with my wife's parents.  And today, we dropped my mother home who had been staying with us for two nights.  She kindly agreed to come up to babysit as on Friday night, my wife and I went out with some friends into Colchester for a muscial night out.  I had to miss the first part (as I was working) but I arrived for the last bit.  It was great to dance, and there were loads of kids there.  It is something that we might go to next year.  

And of course, the kids loved being in contact with their Grandparents.  It is great to be able to bring joy both to my mother and my mother-in-law and father-in-law and as the kids love it, well, seeing them smile makes me laugh.
I have to say, the last few days have been great, today especially so as it is the first Saturday night I have spent with my wife in ages.  And I miss Saturday's like this.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Anyone else find it funny that a group calling itself "Unite Against Fascism" wants to ban the BNP because they don't agree with their views?

Afternoon all.

I thought I would make this post about the far right today to highlight the links between the far right and terrorism, and of course, the links between supporters of the far right and other crmes.

I do not think that parties like the BNP should be banned, but I do think it is important that people know that the BNP are like, as well as the links between the far right and terrorism.

Of course, because of the tragic events in Norway, this is a big issue at present, but it has been a big issue for a while.  It is just that it is in the public eye again.

So, let me post about terrorists who have been associated with the far right in the UK.  Some of this has been taken from the Hope not Hate website, but I have expanded on the information that they have provided as the information they have is out of date.  In addition to which, I think that it is important to highlight the links of the far right to other crimes.  I am aware though that not all these criminals are linked to the BNP.  I am also aware that there are bad eggs in other political parties in the UK, each political party having ex-members who have convictions for violence and child abuse (or related crimes).  Other than Sinn Féin I do not really see any other political party in the UK having as many terrorists as the BNP.  Basically, I think it is important to publicise this, especially as the Far Right love to mention it when ethnic minorities, especially Muslims, are involved in crime.

    Sunday 24 July 2011

    Amy Winehouse - The only person who had a surname to describe her liver

    Afternoon all.  Right, first of all FridayAs I mentioned before, it was my daughters last day at school.  My wife thanked her teacher for teaching her, and she said that it was a pleasure to teach my daughter and that also that my daughter loves to learn.  I do not know of any parent who does not like to hear nice things about their kids.
    I did not get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked, both on Friday, or on Saturday.  My mother did come up though on Friday to baby sit so that we could go out for a meal with a couple that we know through school.  It was a great meal, and a bit of alcohol was drunk.  Of course, this was not helpful for me, as I had to go to work yesterday morning.  It was a long day with a three hour break, starting at ten, ending at midnight.  I did get to see them in the morning, and I had the energy to appreciate them.  And of course, I have played with them today.  I have managed to get some time away while they are watching My Favourite Martian upstairs.  Anyway, time to go upstairs to watch it with them.

    Take care all
    The comments below with the commentary are a list of things that Sara Cox says that you should not say to children.

    Ok, so this one I've definitely said, to be precise though I say the Northern version, handed down through generations of proud Boltonian women: "Stop mithering!"
    See also "Get out from under my feet!" which is most effective when thundered lovingly from atop a juddering ample bosom clad in a housecoat.
    This one is a no-brainer for me; when pans are bubbling over and there's a child pulling at your arms, I see it as a warm shooing away for their own safety. Ok, next:
    Hmm, this is an interesting one 'cos there's so many words you can tag onto this: selfish/lazy/stupid are ones I'd never ever use. Daft/dramatic/soppy maybe, but said in a chiding way, though probably not ideal. Must try harder Saz. Labeling your child by telling them they are something is probably best avoided, unless its "You're so gorgeous/sweet/brilliant"
    Yep, said it. This isn't really a bad one. It's more about validating their feelings. Saying "you must be sad Jamie cant play out today" is preferable though does take a while.
    4) "Why can't you be more like your sister?"
    This one only works if your child has a sister, otherwise they'll think you're insane. I don't do this one, but must confess to saying pointedly, "Oh, good girl Lola, eating your dinner so nicely" as Isaac rubs mashed potato in his hair.
    Oh no. Wish I'd never started this! Yup, I've definitely said a version of that to Lola. When she's wrestling with a 6-pint carton of milk and spills it (though not worth crying over) I have been known to say "You kinda knew that'd happen, ask me for help next time". I suppose next time I ought to miss off the first half of the statement. Or buy smaller cartons of milk.
    Ok, this one I never say. For two reasons: my mum used to say it a lot and I remember hating the menacing undercurrent of a promised smack and also, I'm a firm believer in following through threats and seeing as I don't hit my kids, this threat would be pointless.
    I must however say I do now with hindsight understand why my mum would say it, as there are few things more annoying than a child theatrically bursting into tears at the drop of a hat/flapjack/crayon. It's manipulative and noisy.
    Well, I may as well get this one tattooed somewhere on my midriff to save time in a morning, so when I'm halfway out the door on a rainy Monday AM with a baby/blazer/book bag/games kit in my arms and my darling daughter not only hasn't put her shoes on (as I've asked her to six times) but is instead perched on the stairs plaiting her dolls hair I can simply flash my tummy tattoo instead of growling "hurry up" through a mouthful of half-munched apple.
    Never said it. That's no threat. I'm the boss and they know it. In fact, they're probably excited about his arrival home to save them from me.
    Hmm, apparently its better to be more specific, like "I can see how beautifully you've coloured in the butterfly wings on that picture" which obviously takes longer. I'm taking that one on board and will do my best, unless of course the butterfly is being illustrated when she should be getting her school shoes on (see above)
    So that's the naughty nine. Whatever your score there's probably room for improvement but let's not beat ourselves up too much. I'm sure most of us had some of the 9 said to us as children and we're ok. Now stop mithering me, I'm off to bed.

    Friday 22 July 2011

    There are two types of people on this planet. Those who finish what they start and

    Morning all.  It is the last day at school for my daughter today.  Not that I will get to see her that much.  It has been an amazing year with her development.  She has learned so much.  Do not get me wrong, my son has as well, but I guess I can remember more of what she did not know before she went to school.  I am proud of them both, but on days like this, when I it is brought back to me, just how much she has learned, I am even prouder.

    My son yesterday decided to dice with death.  He was taken on a trip to Walton and when there, decided to try and drown himself.  Not content with going into the water, he then decided to fall down.  Fortunately my wife was at hand to look after him.  The problem for her was that she, due to the cold, was not wearing gear to be in the water.  Not only did that happen, but yesterday he called her a pillock and told her to shut up!  When I got back and heard about the pillock comment, I did laugh, but I managed to hide it from him.  He still got in trouble.

    Anyway, time to go.  To think, this time last year, I was working in a place that was bad for me, and now, I am so much better! 

    You have two cows.
    You sell one and buy a bull.
    Your herd multiplies and the economy grows.
    You retire on the income.

    You have two cows.
    You worship them.

    You don't have any cows.
    You claim that the Indian cows belong to you.
    You ask the US for financial aid,
    China for military aid,
    Britain for warplanes,
    Italy for machines,
    Germany for technology,
    France for submarines,
    Switzerland for loans,
    Russia for drugs and
    Japan for equipment.
    You buy the cows with all this and claim of exploitation by the world

    You have two cows.
    You sell one and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.
    You profess surprise when the cow drops dead.
    You put the blame on some nation with cows & naturally that nation will be a danger to mankind.
    You wage a war to save the world and grab the cows.

    You have two cows.
    You re-design them so that they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
    You then create cute cartoon cow images called Cowkimon and market them worldwide.

    You have two cows.
    You have 300 people milking them.
    You claim full employment, high bovine productivity and arrest anyone reporting the actual numbers.

    You have two cows.
    You count them and learn you have five cows.
    You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.
    You count them again and learn you have 17 cows.
    You give up counting and open another bottle of Vodka

    You have two cows.
    You go on strike because you want three cows.

    You have two cows.
    You re-engineer them so that they live for 100 years, eat once a month and milk themselves.

    You invade Poland for land to store the cows.

    You have two cows.
    They are both mad.

    You have two cows.
    You don't know where they are.
    You break for lunch.

    You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you.
    You charge others for storing them.
    You have a cow.
    You sell it for a sheep.

    Wednesday 20 July 2011

    The other night I was expecting an important phone call, so I slept with my mobile under the pillow. When I woke up, it was gone and there was just a shiny new fifty pence piece where I'd left it. Damn that blue-tooth fairy!

    Well, I have enjoyed today.

    As usual, I woke early and went into work to do some paperwork.  And as usual, I came home to take the kids to school and pre-school.  After dropping my daughter at school, I took my son to his pre-school and there he met one of his friends, Celeste.  She was starting today.  He knows her as my wife knows her mother, and my daughter is in her sisters class at school, and the two of them are good friends (well, as good friends as five year olds are).  When I picked him up, there was a leaving ceremony for the kids who were leaving for good, to start at school in September.  It was touching to see the teachers in the pre-school cry when they were hugged.  Especially as this time next year, my son will be one of those children.  Anyway, he refused to mention who he played with when I took him home.  I thought that was because he was using his scooter to get home for the first time ever with me.  Later I found it was because he had spent his time looking after Celeste!  He does have a heart of gold.
    After lunch at home with my son and wife, as usual I went back to work.  Now, after last week, I was not going to be late to pick up my daughter (not that I wanted to be late the first time), but I got a phone call from my wife as my daughter had been stung by a wasp.  It flew out of nowhere (she said later) and stung her.  One of the boys at school, a lad called Edward, stamped on it afterwards.  She was very brave and did not cry and when given the option to come home early, wanted to stay at school.  She showed me her finger (where she was stung) and also her tooth, which became very wobbly.  She too used her scooter to get home and I have to say, she is getting very good on it.

    But once at home, after eating her dinner, her tooth came out!
    It is sad really that I get sentimental about things.  She is a child, and she is going to grow up.  But this time last year, she was terrible at reading.  Do not get me wrong, aged four she was able to read a few words, but she seemed determined not to want to read.  Now, she is doing really really well.  It came to me when I was reading her the three billy goats.  I used to get her to read the easy words before.  Now, a year later, she is able to read the entire book with just a little bit of help.  The reason it is sad, is after all, that is what children are meant to do, grow, and develop.  My wife was in tears though.  My daughter though was very excited, and now is asleep, hoping that the tooth fairy is to come (fingers crossed for her).
    Anyway, time to go.

    Monday 18 July 2011

    "BREAKING NEWS: NoW hacking whistleblower found dead." I guess Cameron is really serious about keeping his job...

    Evening all.  When it comes to the kids and family, not much new to post.  Of course they are still amazing.  And I love them loads.

    Well, the news has been both tragic and politically interesting.  Here in the UK, the main story is not those dying in Africa, it is the way News International, or rather the News of the World, has been hacking into mobile telephone calls, not just of those who are famous, but of a dead teenager and the families of the war dead.  But while Cameron is under attack for his links, Gordon Brown seems to have got away with his contacts.  Both were wrong to court the devil.

    Anyway, almost time to get ready for bed.  Have work to go to tomorrow.  On the weekend, I bumped into someone I used to work with.  I did like where I worked, it was just that I had to leave as otherwise things would not have been good for them or me.  And bumping into my ex-colleague was nice, but it brought back many of the reasons why I had to leave.  And the best thing is that I am working somewhere so much better!

    Wednesday 13 July 2011

    Sky News - Maradona hit by bus. British driver set to recieve M.B.E

    What Diego Maradona lacked in brains, he made up for in speed.
    And Cocaine.

    Not that I am bitter.  A truly great player, who scored one of the best goals I ever saw.  After the cheating git scored with a handball.  A bit hard to forget really. 

    Anyway, time to post about the family.  First of all, the picture is one my daughter did.  I had meant to post it on the weekend, but forgot!  Yesterday I was working late, so did not get the chance to post it, and on Monday, I was putting the bed for my son together.  On Saturday, the kids were jumping on my sons bed, and broke it.  My wife managed to 'fix' it, in that it lasted until a new bed came (which was then bought after the first one was broken), but it meant that I had to put together the flat pack bed.  And so far, it is still standing.  My experience with DIY is legendary.  My wife no longer trusts me to do things.  She asked me to put up shelves, an I did try to put them up right, but in the end we had to pay someone to come in and put them up properly.  We have a light in our extension, and one of our neighbours would not sit under it until she was promised that I did not put it up and that we got someone in to do it.  
    Anyway, today I was a bad father.  I picked my daughter up late from school.  I literally was only a minute or two late, but it must have been an eternity for her.  She was really brave waiting for me, but when I arrived, she burst into tears.  And I felt so bad.  So, out of my wife and I, I have had to do the walk of shame after getting my daughter late to school, while my wife never has (there was a close call for her once).  And now I have been late to pick her up.  And to make things worse, I only take and pick up my daughter once a week.  Wednesday is my paperwork day, so I go into work early, come home to take the kids to school/pre-school and go back to work.  I come back to collect my son from pre-school, go back to work, then come home to collect my daughter.  I honestly think that it helps me work, as I hate paperwork.  I love people contact, not paper contact, and having the time with the kids makes the drudge of paperwork so much better.  Saying that, I still love my job, and love where I am working, and Wednesdays, though the Wednesday part is mostly because I get to take the kids to school.  And on the topic of work, I hope you like the joke below... 

    12 July 2011 PM.

    Dear work colleagues,
    It would just so happen that I am the winner of the Euro-million jackpot so I won't be in Tomorrow you bunch of boring gits.
    I regularly spit in the office kettle and Mr Jenkins, I ****** your Wife.  Twice.
      **** you and goodbye.
    13 July 0811 AM.

    Sorry all, checked last weeks numbers by mistake.
    May be a little late this Morning.
    P.S I have doughnuts :-)

    Sunday 10 July 2011

    Jenson Button wheel nut be happy

    The title of this post is a reference to the British Grand Prix, which is a quick sports post.  Of course, my main concern regarding sports is Arsenal.  Fábregas and Nasri may be leaving, as will Manuel Almunia and Nicklas Bendtner.  Me, I think that Nasri should be allowed to play his contract out.  I think that we can do without Fábregas, which is not to say I am not grateful for the way he has played for us, or am not aware of just how good a player he is, but he have Wilshere.  Also we have Walcott and Aaron Ramsey.  In addition to all this, it will be interesting to see if Henri Lansbury can break into the first team and the effect he can have.  After all Denílson wants to leave as well and if he does go, that will leave more opportunities for players to come through.  Many Arsenal fans fear the upcoming season, but I think that we have the opportunity to do well.  Few will fear us, and if we can harness the potential in the team, that will be in our favour.  Alan Hansen once said "You'll never win anything with kids" and was proven wrong.  Well, this is a chance for Arsenal to show that it can be done.
    Anyway, time to talk about the kids.  I have not posted that much of late, and for that, I am sorry.  This weekend, I missed the school fete, which was just as well, as there were stocks, and kids got to throw sponges at the dads that were there.  I did though get to watch Kung Fu Panda 2 with the kids.  And then we ate out and walked back home.  Simple things that gave us quality time and brings a huge smile to my face.  After all, times like these are what having kids is about.    

    RIP the News of the World.

    Rip it up good and proper.

    If the F1 teams need their tyres taken off quickly, why don't they employ scousers? 

    News of the world.

    Letting deaf people read their voicemail until 10/07/2011.