Sunday 19 June 2011

Environmentalists say that every day an area the size of Wales is destroyed... Why is it never Wales?

Actually, I love Wales so I do feel a bit guilty about the joke.  We went there on the weekend, travelling down on Friday to stay at a lovely hotel for a wedding yesterday.  I have to day, the hotel was great.  On the Gower Peninsula it was a great place to stay, once I had worked out how to open the doors, and the kids loved it.  Not just because it was close to the beach, but because of the way the rooms were set out, having the space to play, clean and of course, watch Cbeebies on the large screen in the living room, and the televisions in their room or in ours.
We have been to Wales before (and I would return to the Gower Peninsula again), mainly because the best man at my wedding, Tony, lives there with his lovely wife Sally and their three kids, Dan Lowri and Tomos.  Mind you, I am hoping that I have spelt their names correctly.  And today, we met up with them on the way home.
So the wedding first of all, one which the kids loved, and so did we.  A cousin of my wife marrying a welsh beauty.  I had met the cousin before, and I do like him, and it was great to be there for his (and her) special day, one which celebrated their different backgrounds, with people flying in from across the globe to be there.  At the table I was on, there was one gentleman from Chile.  The kids were really good there.  Which was amazing as they were there for ages.  We got there are 1400 for the ceremony.  The legal stuff actually had been done the day before with close family and friends present, this being a day for everyone else to show their joy at the marriage of the two.  And it was an out door wedding, which was at risk of the elements.  Which considering that Wimbledon is about to start, was a brave decision. We found out later, that there was no plan B but as I said, if there was a plan B in case of rain, it would have rained.  Not sure if anyone (including myself) fell for that!  The vows that the happy couple made to each other were brilliant, and of course, reminds me of how wonderful a wife I have as the vows, about true love, apply to her as well.  After that it was drinks and a game of cricket, where the groom was caught out by the bride!  Start as she means to go on!  My daughter did find herself popular with insects, the wedding being held in a farm.  And after the tears, she was convinced to risk being bitten again (though I did not tell her about that) and the two kids and me walked around the farm looking at the hen, the cockerel and of course the two horses which my daughter loved.  I think that my son liked the chickens more, but they both loved seeing the animals.
They were great during the meal and at the end, it was time to dance, and both loved dancing.  Not that either of my children, or my wife and I could compare to the first dance between the happy couple.  Set to Queen's Don't Stop Me Now, it was a very memorable dance, and had some very impressive moves.  I have to say, the kids would have tired me out with dancing, but I hurt my knee on the dance floor which meant that I had to rest and watch.  After my daughter fell asleep on me (something that does not happen very often now) we later had to call it a night, though the couple and friends partied till three in the morning!
Anyway, come the morning, after my wife met other members of her family again who were present for the wedding, we went to meet up with Tony.  I have to say, I do feel guilty about messing him up a bit.  While we had mentioned to him a while ago we would be coming to Wales, we did not remind him until this weekend.  But his family and he met us at Margam Country Park.  And not only did all the kids (ours and his) have a great time, but we did as well.  One thing that I am amazed at is how few people there are there considering how great it is for kids and families.  It is a pleasure meeting up with Sally, Tony and their three kids, it is just a shame that we do not get to see them more often.

Anyway, after that, a long drive back to England.  And now time to rest...

Take care all. 

Thursday 16 June 2011

The eclipse everyone is talking about is over rated. it's a crap film!

The Apprentice is useless. If I want to hear about 12 people sitting around a table treating some Jewish bloke like he is some kind of a god, I would read the bible.

Afternoon all all. Again, I have had the pleasure of spending time with the kids yesterday. And my daughter has a new toy. I have been on eBay and got here a LEGO Ashoka Tano. The family also had a haircut as well, my son asking for his haircut to be stopped when he looked handsome!  My wife got to use her new hair thingy that I had got from eBay for her.  Anyway, take care, and I hope you like the links.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Iran is set to release hiker Sara Shourd, jailed for 13 months, for illegaly entering Iran. In related news, she is also suing the hell out of Google Maps.

I have had a great weekend with the family.

Yesterday I was working, and today, after getting back late last night, my son woke my up.  The kids are great, they normally sleep until seven in the morning  So at seven in the morning me called out.  I let my wife get some rest, and took the kids down.  Unfortunately, I have a tendency to excite the kids, and after a bit of screaming, my wife came down.  But, afterwards, the kids and I helped to make am omlette.  They helped me break and beat the eggs, and then ate, loving the food that they had helped to make.  And my wife made a cake for the street party.  A family down the road take time to organise a street party every year, and they do a great job.  We missed last year as I was working, and by the time I got back, the kids were having a nap with my wife.  We were able to go two years ago, and three years ago we moved into the street too late to attend the party.  I could say the kids loved it, but I did too.  There were drinks available of course, but it was a great opportunity to talk to neighbours from further down the road than you normally meet.  There were games for the kids, and games for adults to take part in.  The two kids really loved it, as did the children from down the road who attended.  And although it did rain a bit, it was still a great day.

Anyway, time to go.  Hope you like the jokes...

Me and my time travelling buddies go back years together.

On the sofa with my wife last night:

Me: Honey, you remind me of an onion.

Wife: Because I have so many layers to my personality?

Me: No...

Wife: Oh, OK, something stupid like you'll cry when you slice me up?

Me: No...

Wife: OK, OK, you'd prefer it if I was battered?

Me: No...

Wife: You either love me or hate me? I'm good in small doses? I can be overpowering?...

Me: No...

Wife: Oh, alright, why then?

Me: You smell of onion.

Thursday 9 June 2011

'Weinergate' Politician's Wife Is Pregnant Is she going to have a chipolata?

Evening. A quick post before I go to bed.  We went to a school evening at my daughters school yesterday to see the work she has done.  She is five and is brilliant!  I know every parent is (or should be) proud of their daughter, but she has been doing so well.  In fact, she does better at school than he lets on.  One mistake she made was to show us her work.  Which impressed my wife and I as she pretends that she is not as smart at home compared to the work she does at school!  Mind you, it takes a lot of brains to work that out, so I guess I have to accept that she has outsmarted the two of us.

It was great to see her glowing with pride as she showed me her work.  Mind you, she knows my limits.  Every now and then, my wife and I ask the kids who they would like to go to work, and who stays at home.  Now, I go to work to rest, as I can not cope being at home with the kids for too long without the help of my wife.  Everytime they are asked, my daughter says that she wants her Mummy to stay at home.  Every now and then, my son will say that he wants me to stay at home and Mummy should go to work.  Well, apparently, my wife has overheard my daughter telling my son why that should not happen.  Apparently my daughter knows that I can iron, but that if I stay at home, I will not be able to buy clothes, let alone dress them in clothes that match.  As my daughter said to my son, "If Daddy dresses you, you will not be handsome any more!"
The wife caught me cheating yesterday.
Was a stupid and careless mistake.
She said she's never going to play Monopoly with me again.

BBC Sport: All Black Donald signs for Bath.


Wednesday 8 June 2011

Due to the decreased price of cucumbers and another vegetables, I think it's time to spread a rumor that E.coli is caused by petrol, water, electricity and gas...

Just in case anyone is wondering, the post is a reference to the E Coli outbreak.

Anyway, a post about my kids, my wife and me.  As usual, I took my daughter to school and my son to pre-school.  My son rode his bike on the way back home and during lunch, did his best to look as cute as possible.  Of course, getting him to eat now is becoming an issue.  But I have decided that the best way to make him eat it to bore him to death.  That and threaten to eat his dessert.  Which he knows I will do.  In front of him!  My daughter got to ride her scooter home.  From a situation where she kept falling over with it, she is now a lot better on it,  and I imagine that it will not be long before she is using it properly.  It is good exercise for me to keep up with her as she is learning how to go faster each week.

Anyway, time to go as I am going to a school evening today.  I will try to post about it during the week.  In the meantime, I hope you like the video's below...

A Doctor was addressing a large audience in Tampa.

"The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago. Red meat is awful. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High fat diets can be disastrous, and none of us realizes the long-term harm caused by the germs in our drinking water. But there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have, or will, eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?"

After several seconds of quiet, a 75-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, "Wedding Cake."

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Ryan Giggs today admitted to suffering from homesickness, saying that, even though he's happy in Manchester, he does Miss Wales occasionally.

Quick post.  On Sunday, we took the kids in the morning to Castle Park.  They loved it.  There is a new playground at the bottom of the area where the original one still stands.  Arriving there early in the morning (thanks to Sally) there were hardly any people there.  My son and I spent some time together once I had been helping my daughter on some of the things there.  He even ran to the old playground where he got to go on the really high slide.

Later in the day, we got the bikes that my father-in-law had bought for the kids.  And they loved it.  Both are really keen to bike and were willing to spend ages riding up and down the road.  Of course, at the moment they need stabilisers.  But they do not care!

And last of all, as I mentioned, on Saturday, the kids had gone out Strawberry picking.  Well, after my son had issues finding red strawberries, my daughter said "Even Daddy would be able to find the red ones!"

Sunday 5 June 2011

"Hundreds of women go on a slut walk in South Wales" Just another Saturday afternoon in Cardiff then........

Good morning all.  The post title is a reference to the Slut Walks, a response to a comment by a policeman in Canada which raises an interesting issue.  While rape is wrong, in some cases, can a woman be viewed as partly responsible?  A statement which does not absolve a man for an act of rape, but one which many people, men and women have felt does.  

Anyway, back to the kids, my wife and me.  The rest of the family had a great day yesterday.  As some of you know, I changed jobs last year.  I had to take a pay cut, at the very least, for the first year, and due to that, I am having to work on Saturdays.  My job, without having to work like a dog on Saturdays, is harder than my last one.  But it is more enjoyable.  Much more enjoyable.  Do not get me wrong, it was not that my last job was terrible, it was just that it could, and should have been so much better.  I am now working in a place where I feel that there is more of a team ethic and where people both look out for each other more and support each other.  So yesterday, I bumped into two of the people I used to work with.  While I am still ecstatic at leaving my old place, and even more about where I am working now, I still liked the people I worked with.  Despite the faults of some of them (but then, who does not have faults).  So it was nice to see them.
But enough on me.  The kids.  In the morning, while I was working, my wife took them out strawberry picking.  The weather was great and the kids love strawberries.  Unfortunately, my son had a problem.  Amongst all the green leaves and green strawberries, he could not see any of the red ones.  Which meant my daughter had to pick them and my son had to eat them.  My daughter, despite people eating them while picking them refused to eat them until they were washed!  Not that many were eaten before paying for them that is.  Just one or two.  (Or three or four...)  But the great thing was that when I got back from work, there were very fresh strawberries there for me to eat!

I had to make sure that I told my daughter that I loved the ones that she picked.  And I was not telling a lie. 

I came home from work and my wife said, "I washed your England shirt for you today."
I said, "What England shirt?"
She said, "The red one that was in the frame on the wall. Whoever Bobby Moore is, tell him to stop drawing all over your clothes."

It's been embarrassing watching those ten excuses for "talent" on ITV.

I thought Jack Wilshere had a good game though.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

I've just finished building Rome with my kid's Lego. Took me a day.

Evening all.  

I have been to LegolandAgain.  And yes, the kids came as well.  It is half term and today is my admin day.  So I took it off, and went to Legoland, and the kids loved it as did I.  It was a good day out for all, enjoying the rides and of course, buying the kids some Lego.  We did give them the option of going to the Natural History Museum, or Legoland, and this morning, they woke me up screaming Legoland.  A chant which was shouted out at the begining of the drive there as well as at times during the trip.

But it was worth it.  Just a note though, if you are going to go, get a Qbot as otherwise it might not be as enjoyable as it could be due to the queues that are present.

What I remember most about Lego:

5%- Building things according to instructions
10%- Building whatever the hell I wanted
15%- Searching my giant box of lego for that one piece
70%- Screaming in agony after stepping on a brick barefoot

The NHS reforms

Right, time to make a post about the reforms on the NHS and my views on them.

I will say at first, I am in favour of them.


My concern is the funding that the government is to give the NHS.

A lot of people are concerned about the involvement of the private sector in the NHS.  Now, I am aware that the private sector are interested in one thing only.  Profits.  They are not interested in patient care, in providing a service, they are interested in profits.  Now, if those profits are dependent upon patient care and providing a service, then the company will work towards ensuring that patient care is adequate.  The last government used the private sector to cut waiting lists.  It was not a popular idea, and it took money out of the NHS, but it allowed patients to be cared for, and brought waiting lists down.

The sad things, is in 1997, Labour inherited a failing health service.  The conservatives, either intentionally, or not and run the NHS into the ground.  Waiting lists were high and the reforms that they had put into place had failed the NHS again and again.  Not everything failed, but a lot of what they did seemed to ignore the demands that the NHS needed.

Labour solved many (but not all) of the problems.  And they did so by doing something that the Conservatives had not dared to do, they got the private sector involved.  The Conservatives had attempted to bring in choice, Labour expanded on that.  A system called Choose and Book was brought in.  I will admit, I loved the initial idea, then the system seemed to become overly complicated.  Well, I have moved jobs to a different area, and I can see how it can work.  Where I work, it has resulted in patients being seen quicker.  I do not like the fact that the private sector has to be used, but I care about patient care more, and patients are benefitting from these changes in England.  In Wales, where the private sector is not being used, waiting lists are longer. So yes, I have seen how these reforms can work to help patients.

But, my concerns are if the Conservatives can be trusted to fund the NHS.  They stated before the elections, that there would not be any top down re-organisation of the NHS and then they introduced the biggest re-organisation the NHS has seen.  And they said that funding would be protected.  Then went back on that, increasing spending but not enough to cover inflation with spending falling in real terms.  Then went back on that again, but although funding is to be protected, the NHS is to make £20,000,000,000 in savings.  

David Cameron said that if the NHS was more efficient, and worked in the manner that other European nations did, then we would have the outcomes that they have.  But many of them spend more on health than the UK does!  I agree that the UK can do better with healthoutcomes, but comparing the NHS to nations that spend more per person to get those healthcare outcomes, and then saying that the NHS has to save money just does not make sense!

So in summary, the reforms will make the NHS more efficient, but the NHS needs more money to deliver the healthcare that the people of the UK deserve, more money and reform.  And the Conservatives starved the NHS in the past.  Will they do so again.