Monday 8 November 2010

I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.

Today has been an interesting day.  It seemed to start so well.  I am off today and am back at work tomorrow.  Well, I was knackered last night, so did not go into work to catch up with my paperwork as I had planned.  Or rather, I did, but later on in the day.  Part of the reason was that, the other was because my wife is unwell.  Unfortunately, she had been unwell in the night.

So come the morning, I got the kids ready, and took my son to nursery.  He loved the walk.  Until he realised that I had taken him to nursery.  Needless to say he was not happy.  I did feel a bit guilty leaving him there.  My daughter, I took to school later on.  The issue was that I had to take her there with the books that she had read on the weekend.  A problem as I then realised that her book bag was empty. Searched, found two out of the three books.  Searched again.  And then I had ten minutes to take her on a twenty minute walk.  Well that was interesting.  Started by skipping, she naturally became tired, so a speed walk took place with her on my shoulders.

Well, that was a good workout.  I got her there a few minutes late, but fortunately, not too late.

Went to work, got back to go to her school with my still sadly unwell wife, and then was there for a kind of parent-teacher day.  Well, she is doing brilliantly at school.  I am proud of her no matter what she does, but her teacher is proud of her as well.  The only thing is that on the way home, she was ill.  And by ill, I mean vomiting in the car.  Managed to get her back, cleaned her up, cleaned the car up.  And now she is upstairs with my wife, the two of them feeling ill and awful in bed.

My son though is fine.  Which is strange as normally he and my wife are the ill ones.  Mind you, he will probably get this as well.  Did get to pick him up from nursery where I got to sneak in and watch him having a great time.  He gave me such a warm hug when he saw me.  He loved walking back at night, as he got to see loads of car headlights, and then I let him splash in puddles.  And we spent the evening together.  He was a bit upset that his sister gets to go to bed with my wife and that he does not.  But I read him a story in bed and that seemed to calm him down.

It is heartbreaking when they are ill.  Or do not want to be dropped of at nursery.  But while this day has had them being sad, it also had bits where they were very happy.  A shame that they had to be sad as well.  But then, things could be far worse, and I am very lucky to have two great kids, as well as an amazing wife.

Anyway, time to go. 

And I hope you like the song.

A blonde hurried into the emergency room late one night with the tip of

her index finger shot off. "How did this happen?" the emergency room doctor asked her.

"Well, I was trying to commit suicide," the blonde replied.

"What?" sputtered the doctor. "You tried to commit suicide by shooting off your finger?"

"No, Silly" the blonde said. "First I put the gun to my chest, and then I thought, 'I just paid £6,000 for these implants. I'm not shooting myself in the chest."

"So then?" asked the doctor.

"Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought, "I just paid £3, 000 to get my teeth straightened I'm not shooting myself in the mouth."

"So then?"

"Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought: "This is going to make a loud noise. So I put my finger in my other ear before I pulled the trigger.