Monday 13 September 2010

If you work for OK magazine how do you answer the phone without advertising your main rival magazine?

Evening all.  Just a quick post.

My daughter finished her first full day at school today.  We were given pictures of her first week at school and she has come back with 'homework' which was some books that school would like her to read.  She has not wanted to read in the past, hopefully, peer pressure will have an effect.


My son meanwhile has been at nursery and has started to use the toilet!  Yes, my life is that exciting that I have to inform the world about such news!

Anyway, in the news, there has been a sort of validation about my vote that was cast earlier this year.  I voted Liberal Democrat.  And of course, I know regret my vote.  However, my MP has had the balls to stand up and challenge the government on claims it has made.  It might make a difference come the next time I cast by vote...   

Just read a book entitled 'The French Army During World War II, 1939 to 1945'. For those not familiar with the 24 Hour clock, that's twenty one minutes to eight until a quarter to eight at night.