Saturday 4 September 2010

Next time you eat egg, just keep in mind, you're eating a chicken's period.

Evening all.  I have a minute or two to make a long overdue post.  Okay more than a minute or two.  My lovely wife got a film for us to watch, which I am watching.  I love films, used to watch loads before kids.  Used to buy them when they were cut price, normally from HMV which I felt had the best high street deals.  

Anyway, a lot has happened since I last posted.  I guess I shall stick to the big things.  Which is that my daughter had her first day at school on the day before yesterday.  My wife had made me take the day off work, and I had said that I was doing it to be there to support her, not my daughter.  Well, come the big day, my daughter did really well.  My wife did really well, and me, well I was an emotional wreck.  To be fair, unlike some of the other mothers, or even the kids, I did not bawl.  But until we got to pick up my daughter, I was in a mood. My son was unhappy that his sister was being left, partly as being at school appeared to be so much fun, and partly as I think he realised that she was not going to be around all the time.

It did not help that my daughter, at the end of the day as well as being tired was ill.  Now this is the house of ill again.  My wife is ill, I am ill, my daughter is ill, and strangely, for now, my son is well.  (Bet that does not last.)  Anyway, at home on Thursday, she was burning up and was tired.  That was an enjoyable day!  To be fair she was well enough to go to school the next day. Yes she had a temperature of over 39 in the morning, but it was only a half day and paracetamol works wonders.  And she lasted the day, and had a great time.   

Anyway, while I was at work today, I get to spend tomorrow with my family.  Hopefully all of them will be well.

My son came home from school looking all excited.
"I got a B on my reading test," he told me.
"That's a D," I replied.