Wednesday 21 July 2010

My cooking is amazing. Even the smoke alarm cheers me on!

Evening all.  

Nine days to go!

Right, I have read my last post and realise just how I have not stated how grateful I am for the presents I got from my work.  Not only that, but Lorna at my work gave me a few more on Tuesday.  I got home with balloons that she had used on a bag full of presents for me!  It was really touching that many at my work do appreciate the effort I have put in and value it.  The partners at my work sort of appreciate my workrate, but they will really do so when I leave!  Yes, it does involve a pay cut to leave, but at least I will be working closer to home, and hopefully, in a much better working environment.

Anyway, back to the family.  Today we went to Walton.  That of course being Walton-on-the-Naze.  My wife has been there before, as have the kids, going there on a trip with my daughters pre-school.  And I have driven through there in the past.  But it has a great beach, as I found out today.  My daughter and son loved it.  My son was a bit wary about the sea, my daughter on the other hand, it was hard to keep her out of it.  Note to self, next time, take swimming trunks, as the shorts I wore there were soaked at the end of the trip!
Once again, I was put to making a sandcastle, which they loved jumping on and trying to destroy!

Anyway, all in all, a great day.