Saturday 3 July 2010

If you watch The Twilight Saga backward it's the same as it is forward... Crap

Morning all.  You would have thought that the kids who did not get to bed until late last night would have slept in this morning.  I should have been so lucky!  At 0600, our alarm clocks, i.e. the kids woke up.  Mind you, after not seeing them as much as I did on holiday, it is always nice to be around them.  Even if I am taking time to post on the blog.  At the moment, they are being nice to each other, and, possibly because they are a bit tired, they are sitting watching the television.  Or as my friend Tony calls it, the devil box!

As you can see, my last two posts have had pictures about the England game.  I thought that this one will be no different.

And well, this made me smile! 

Anyway, I have to mow the garden, and then I am off to work.  But I hope the video and the joke below make you laugh...

I met a fairy today who granted me one wish. "I want to live forever," I said.
"Sorry," said the fairy, "I'm not allowed to grant wishes like that."
"Fine," I said, "I want to die when West Brom win the premier league."
"You crafty git!" said the fairy.