Monday 24 May 2010

A late post about the weekend

Evening all.  I guess I forgot yesterday with all the posts I made to finish on yesterday.  

Yesterday was the birthday of Amy.  She, her brother and her sister live near to us, and it was her birthday party yesterday.  Being knackered after only four hours sleep or so, we got lucky.  Our daughter was taken to the party by Sally.  So I got kip with my son and my wife got to rest.  On the return of our daughter, Amy, her sister, brother and parents came over.  And of course, the kids loved playing with them here.

The thing is, today, my wife went over to see them.  I got back from work after they got back.  So I changed my son's nappy.  During this, he said "willy" (one of his favourite words) but the thing is, he kept saying "Amy" as well. I am not sure if the two things are linked.... 


Shooting Bad Guys

Evening all.

I hope you are well.  I have spent today in recovery.  Today it is (assuming I have calculated things correctly) nine weeks and five days before I start my new job.  

I was back at work last week.  When I got there, I thought that all the others had been told that I was leaving.  Unfortunately, one member of staff, who was on holiday for the same two weeks that I was away only found out when she got in by accident.  People have called me a traitor for leaving but they mean it as a joke, I hope!  But I was working yesterday as well.  And then went out with my wife to a party in Suffolk.  It was great.  Great company, good food and drink (a shame I was driving) and a brilliant disco, which to be fair, I did not dance in as much as I would have liked.  While there, I got talking to a person (who I have met before) who in addition to his job, has been creating a comic.  Shooting Bad Guys.  So I thought I would post a link here, as it seems to be hard to find on the internet.  I did try to convince him to use a blog to post it, so that he could update the pictures as often as he wanted, but I think I need to ply him with more drink before I can convince him of that!  I did mention one of my favourite webcomics, Order of the Stick, which I think is great.  But I am aware that not everyone will agree with that.

Anyway, the kids.  Took them out to the park on Wednesday.  Which they loved.  My son liked the big slide that is there.  You have to climb up quite a way to the top (well, it is quite a way if you are a concerned parent) and loved to slide down.  His sister was great, climbing up behind him, and with occasional encouragement to do so, looking after him.  I can see how brave she is when you see other kids of roughly the same edge who get nervous doing similar things.  One boy understandably got scared with two slides.  He wanted to do what others did, and on getting to the top of two different slides changed his mind.  I actually helped him down with one.  Not so with my son.   He does fear danger at times, but seeing other children go down the slides, that is what he wanted to do, and so he did it.
And on that topic, thanks to Barbara, Chris and their two kids Henry and Lizzie, we have a new slide in our garden.  Both kids love it. 

Anyway, time to go.   I hope you like the joke...

Father Patrick visited a mosque and decided to converted to Islam. He was asked why he would make such a decision so impulsively.

He enthused, "Did you see the boys praying?"