Wednesday 31 March 2010

Brain dead today and it is my appraisal!

Arsenal sweat on Cesc injury

Afternoon all. That is afternoon to all who decide to read this.

Am in bed finishing the final touches to my appraisal documents which are going to be looked at today. I have to admit, this year I have not been as keen to retain my edge as I have been in previous years. So it will be interesting. You know, at times, I almost feel sorry for those who appraise me. I look at it as an opportunity to develop myself. Which means that in order to get the best out of it, I need to bear all. Warts and all. The big down side though is that I am going to miss the Arsenal match against Barcelona. I am confident that we should win. We came close in the European cup final in the past, and when teams are foolish enough to play football against us, we win.

Anyway, my family are having their nap next to me. It has been great being with the kids today. Have not had that much energy, and my brain is refusing to get out of second gear, but they always make me smile. To describe them as, well anything, just does not do them justice. Today, while feeding them lunch, my daughter asked my to be nasty to her when I was trying to get her to eat! So I obliged. She should have known better! But other than that, I think that they have liked the time they have spent with me today. Assuming I get home from my appraisal in time, I might even get to read them a bed time story. But I doubt it.

Anyway, time for that joke, then back to getting things ready for my appraisal.

500 years ago when men went to war it was common for them to force their wives to wear chastity belts while they were away. Therefore, in the meantime, only a locksmith could remove these chastity belts. This probably explains why 'Smith' is the most common name in the phonebook.