Sunday 26 September 2010

The Tottenham Arsenal game last week was definitely 1-4 the record books.

Right, it has been some time since I posted last.

Let me go back to Saturday, but this being last week.  I had to work in the morning, and also moonlight in the evening.  But at lunch, I got to meet up with the kids who were going to the Colchester Free Festival.  Where we live, there are many people called Jo (I do think my wife befriends them as she knows it confuses me) but there is only one Jo (no offense meant to the many other Jo's that we know).  Anyway, she was involved in the kids section of the festival telling stories in the story wigwam.  There were loads of volunteers, many of whom spent loads more time there than my wife did, and they were much appreciated.  After her stint there, where she was heckled by a seven year old, we went round the rest of the festival, enjoying things like the human jukebox, making postcards, going for a donkey ride, face painting, and the human fruit machine.  

On Sunday, my wife had a much deserved, but not needed beauty treatment.  I say not needed, because she is gorgeous.  While she was being pampered, I took the kids to the park in town.  They had a great time, and loved the helter-skelter.  After lunch in town, we went back to the park, which needless to say, they liked (okay, that is an understatement).

On Wednesday, due to only working in the morning, I surprised by daughter by picking her up from school.  If all goes well with an interview I had the week before, I might get to do that more often.  I was in a good mood then thanks to the result in the game the night before.  A shame that we dropped two points the game before against Sunderland, let alone the loss yesterday.  While we were unlucky at times going forwards, the big problem was that our midfield just stood back and watched as the West Brom players ran through us.  With a lack of team defending like that, it was no wonder that we went three goals down.

Anyway, I hope you like the joke...

Went to the planetarium with my family this afternoon.

Imagine my wife's surprise when she discovered she's not the centre of the universe!


Wednesday 15 September 2010

Every time I get home, the kids are sitting on the computer. I really must get a chair.

First of all.  6-0!!!

What a game, and what a score!  It is still a group that can cause problems, but with that score, it is very unlikely that we will finish bottom. Unlike many, I do not underestimate the other teams in the European League group that Arsenal are in. I refuse to call it the Champions League as there are loads of teams (Arsenal included) that are not champions and are in it.  While the world cup has taken a lot out of our players, Vela seems to have done really well out of it.  He is oozing confidence.

Anyway, worked late last night, so I did not get to see my kids.  But got to see my son at lunch as I was able to come home for lunch.  He loved it.  He had been out to Mersea Island with my wife and friends.  By the time he got back, he was a bit tired, but loved being able to sit with me.  My daughter got an award this week for being so good in class!  On walking home with my wife, she said nothing had happened at school, and on getting home pulled out a certificate that she had been given in assembly today!

Kids eh? 

Anyway, take care and good night.

I saw a woman about to park outside my house and said, "I don't think you can park there, love".

She said, "Sorry, I'll move it over there".

I said, "You probably can't park there either"

She said, "Why not?"

I said, "Because you're a woman".

God gave me the choice of having a good memory or a big willy, but I can't remember which one I picked...


Monday 13 September 2010

If you work for OK magazine how do you answer the phone without advertising your main rival magazine?

Evening all.  Just a quick post.

My daughter finished her first full day at school today.  We were given pictures of her first week at school and she has come back with 'homework' which was some books that school would like her to read.  She has not wanted to read in the past, hopefully, peer pressure will have an effect.


My son meanwhile has been at nursery and has started to use the toilet!  Yes, my life is that exciting that I have to inform the world about such news!

Anyway, in the news, there has been a sort of validation about my vote that was cast earlier this year.  I voted Liberal Democrat.  And of course, I know regret my vote.  However, my MP has had the balls to stand up and challenge the government on claims it has made.  It might make a difference come the next time I cast by vote...   

Just read a book entitled 'The French Army During World War II, 1939 to 1945'. For those not familiar with the 24 Hour clock, that's twenty one minutes to eight until a quarter to eight at night. 

Sunday 12 September 2010

There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.

I was reading a post on the confessions of a House Husband before.  The discussion there was about kids doing dangerous things.  Now on that post, it was referring to the kids going down a helter skelter.  I presume it was at the park in town, one which my kids have been to before.  But then in the post, it refers to a child younger than my kids are, and they have gone through that stage.

Anyway, forgive my rambling.  The reason I referred to this was because my kids were in the garden earlier today.  On the climbing frame that I had started to put up ages ago (it is now completed, almost).  Anyway, I looked out into the garden and almost had a heart attack.  On the picture on the link you can not see the bit at the back which kids can climb on.  Quite high for kids.  Anyway, my daughter had climbed up to the top and was trying to climb over it to go down on the other side.  I was tempted to go out and stop her, but why get a climbing frame only to stop kids climbing on it?  The thing is, she is almost five,  My son is two and a half.  He watched, and learned.  Next thing was that I saw (from inside the house) was my son climbing up the frame, determined to do what she did.  He did get quite high, and did manage to get back down again.  Without falling.  For now...

Anyway, I am found a site that I am hoping might encourage my daughter to read.  Once she has finished watching Strictly Come Dancing (thanks to Sky Plus), I will see if it works or not.

I managed to get my son to watch some football this morning.  I tried to get him to watch Arsenal, but he got bored.  Shock horror!  Especially when it was a great game.  Of course Arsenal were a bit fortunate with one foul.  And Bolton were unfortunate with another.  But it is nice to see that ref's are going to punish the challenges that have literally broken players seasons.

Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
Sincerely, Unicorns.


Saturday 11 September 2010

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Sorry, but I have to have a long overdue rant on politics.

The government in their wisdom have decided that people need to get off benefits.  And they are also going to make loads of people employed by the state (directly or indirectly) unemployed by making loads of job cuts.  So, at the same time as unemployment is going to increase, both help and benefits to those who are unemployed are going to be cut.  And this makes sense how?

I understand the view of many on the Labour Party that the drastic spending cuts being planned now are insane.  At a time when the economy needs to recover, sacking loads of people makes no sense.  Without money, they will no longer be able to buy things, which means that the economy will no longer be stimulated.  Let alone a progressive budget that will actually harm those who are less well off.  As noted by Ed Balls on Any Questions on Friday night, cuts that are too drastic can harm the economy, not just in the same manner as they did in the great depression, but also by resulting in a problem with the nations credit rating as has happened in Eire.  Loads of people love to talk about the deficit, but when you look at the deficit compared to GDP, the UK actually is not that bad.

2009 est.
2009 est.
3Saint Kitts and Nevis
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12Sri Lanka
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2009 est.
22United Kingdom
2009 est.

As you can see, the UK is in a better position than many of our EU counterparts.

Anyway, time to go.  Hope you all take care.   

I used to do a lot of rock climbing when I was younger, but I was much boulder back then.

Morning all. Hope you are all well.

I am in bed with the kids. My new job while much closer to home involves me working harder. Much harder than I thought. I felt that I did more than my fair share at my old place, examples being prescriptions and covering sickness. But this place is different. The work is divided in an equal manner, but there is more of it. So today, before I moonlight this afternoon, I am going into work to do some of the backlog of work that has built up.

Which means that I will not get to spend as much time with the kids. And they only stay small for so long.

My son has learned how to get women to do his bidding. When my wife has some kids and parents over, he would tell one mother that he needed to do a poo. The thing is that he has yet to be toilet/potty trained. We try and fail. But he loved getting grown women to strip him and wait on him!

My daughter in the meantime came back from school yesterday with a plaster on her knee. She fell down in the playground. Yes she did cry (a tiny bit she now says) and got both a plaster and a bravery sticker. Next week she starts full days! My daughter has moved on to that next stage. At the moment when she talks about what happened at school she seems to forget that she is being taught things. But I am hoping it is going in.

Anyway, take care all and I hope you like this joke...

Woman - A Chemical Analysis

Element : Woman
Symbol : Wo
Atomic Weight : Accepted as 118, but known to vary 105-175.
Discoverer : Adam
Occurrence : Copious quantities in all Urban areas, with slightly lower
concentrations in Suburban and Rural areas. Subject to seasonal

Physical Properties :
a) Surface usually covered with painted film.
b) Boils at nothing, freezes without reason.
c) Melts if given special treatment.
d) Bitter if used incorrectly. Can cause headaches. Handle with care!
e) Found in various states; ranging from virgin metal to common ore.
f) Yields to pressure applied to correct points.

Chemical Properties :
a) Has great affinity for Gold, Silver, Platinum and many precious stones.
b) Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
c) May explode spontaneously if left alone on dates.
d) Insoluble in liquids, but there is increased activity when saturated in
alcohol to a certain point.
e) Repels cheap material. Neutral to common sense.
f) Most powerful money reducing agent known to Man.

Uses :
a) Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
b) Can greatly improve relaxation levels.
c) Can warm and comfort under some circumstances.
d) Can cool things down when it's too hot.

Tests :
a) Pure specimen turns rosy pink when discovered in natural state.
b) Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.

Caution :
a) Highly dangerous except in experienced hands. Use extreme care when handling.
b) Illegal to possess more than one.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Next time you eat egg, just keep in mind, you're eating a chicken's period.

Evening all.  I have a minute or two to make a long overdue post.  Okay more than a minute or two.  My lovely wife got a film for us to watch, which I am watching.  I love films, used to watch loads before kids.  Used to buy them when they were cut price, normally from HMV which I felt had the best high street deals.  

Anyway, a lot has happened since I last posted.  I guess I shall stick to the big things.  Which is that my daughter had her first day at school on the day before yesterday.  My wife had made me take the day off work, and I had said that I was doing it to be there to support her, not my daughter.  Well, come the big day, my daughter did really well.  My wife did really well, and me, well I was an emotional wreck.  To be fair, unlike some of the other mothers, or even the kids, I did not bawl.  But until we got to pick up my daughter, I was in a mood. My son was unhappy that his sister was being left, partly as being at school appeared to be so much fun, and partly as I think he realised that she was not going to be around all the time.

It did not help that my daughter, at the end of the day as well as being tired was ill.  Now this is the house of ill again.  My wife is ill, I am ill, my daughter is ill, and strangely, for now, my son is well.  (Bet that does not last.)  Anyway, at home on Thursday, she was burning up and was tired.  That was an enjoyable day!  To be fair she was well enough to go to school the next day. Yes she had a temperature of over 39 in the morning, but it was only a half day and paracetamol works wonders.  And she lasted the day, and had a great time.   

Anyway, while I was at work today, I get to spend tomorrow with my family.  Hopefully all of them will be well.

My son came home from school looking all excited.
"I got a B on my reading test," he told me.
"That's a D," I replied.