Friday 25 December 2009

And on the first day of Christmas, my son did a poo...

Chelsea lose Anelka for festive matches

Afternoon all.  The family are sated after eating Christmas lunch.  My son however did not eat.  Unwell, he chucked up again this morning (over our bed) and later in the morning, did a poo worthy of the bog of eternal stench.  Now, time to post here for the Grandparents.

My daughter loved the day, however, she woke up twice during the night, the second time waking up her brother, before 0500!  Neither went to sleep, which meant that my wife and I did not get any sleep even when we put them in our bed.  After breakfast, and the second bath for my son in a day (the first after his vomit, the second after a poo which went down his leg), they got to start opening the presents.  The kids loved what they got.  My daughter got sparkling nail varnish from Father Christmas and has been using the doctors bag she got on Little Miss Sunshine.

Anyway, time to post on my role playing groups, and if possible, Yahoo Answers.  I got loads of best answers there, which means that someone must have voted for loads of my answers.  If you are reading this, thanks!

Anyway, time to go.  I hope you like this joke...

I went to buy a cat today.

The guy in the shop said "Would you like a tabby or a siamese?"

I said "I'm not really bothered. It's for my python"