Tuesday 4 August 2009

Darth Vader is naughty

Evening all.  I was at work today when I was phoned by my wife.  I thought something serious had happened.  It had.

My daughter was playing star wars with my son.  She was Princess Leia, he, seventeen months tomorrow was Luke Skywalker.  My wife was Harriet Solo, my mother-in-law Obi-Wan Kenobi and she decided that my father-in-law was to be the Emperor.  I have just watched the last episode of Dollhouse with my wife.  And tomorrow, I get to spend time with my children!!!  Until I have to go back home for work on Thursday.   Anyway, I will try to post about tomorrow sometime.  Hope you like the joke...

Five surgeons at a Conference meet in a bar at the end of the day's proceedings. As the evening wears on and the drinks keep circulating, the talk becomes less technical. Finally, 

'I like to see Accountants on my operating table,' the first surgeon is straight-faced. 'When you open them up, everything inside is numbered.'

The second surgeon thinks he can top that. 'You should try electricians; everything inside them is colour coded.'

The third surgeon enters into the swing of the thing. 'No, librarians are best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order..

The fourth surgeon offers his opinion. 'Well, I prefer furniture assembly people; they are never fazed when you have a few parts left over.'

The fifth surgeon thinks for a moment, then, 'I'll choose politicians any day. You open them up and there's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains, no spine and the head and the arse are interchangeable.'