Sunday 26 July 2009

The Phantom Menace

Afternoon all.  Hope you are all well.  That is if anyone reads this!  First of all, I thought I would post a picture of where I am on the Yahoo Answers leaderboard.  Yes, I am addicted.  No, I am not seeking treatment.  Yes I probably should.

Anyway, back to the real reason I am posting here.  My family.  Still they are down at the parents-in-law.  Which means that I only get to see them on weekends and Wednesday's.  But it will not be for long.  God willing.  Once the kitchen is completed, they will be moving back.  But I am not too sure it will be completed by the end of the month.  

This means that today, I will be driving back to Colchester and will drive back down late on Tuesday evening.  As I get in so late, all I do is kiss my kids while they are asleep and spend an hour or so with my wife.  If we are lucky, we get to watch Dollshouse together.  Sometimes, when I kiss my daughter good night, she wakes up to say that she loves me.  I need to treasure these moments as I doubt I will have them in ten years time as both will be hormonal wrecks!  

My son is asleep next to me right now.  We have taken them to a local park where they had loads of fun.  He misses me.  I know this as he screams if I leave him.  Thankfully, not all the time, but my daughter at his age did not really miss me if I was not about.  I have spent the time this weekend converting my daughter to the joys of Star Wars.  I have managed to get her to watch the original three films, but as my copy of the Phantom Menace is in storage, we have had to watch it on You Tube.  I must get her to like Science Fiction before she goes to school and is subject to peer pressure not to like it! 

Anyway, time for that joke.  I hope it makes you laugh.  It did with me!  

A mother asked her young daughter what she wanted for her birthday. 

The little girl replied, "I want a Barbie and a G.I. Joe."

"G.I. Joe?" the mother asked. "I thought Barbie came with Ken."

The daughter replied, "no, she comes with G.I. Joe

She fakes it with Ken."